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How do you detect a SwiftUI touchDown event with no movement or duration?

I'm trying to detect when a finger first makes contact with a view in SwiftUI. I could do this very easily with UIKit Events but can't figure this out in SwiftUI.

I've tried a DragGesture with minimum movement of 0 but it still won't change until your finger moves.

TapGesture will only work when you lift your finger and LongPressGesture will not trigger fast enough no matter what I set the parameters to.

DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0, coordinateSpace: .local).onChanged({ _ in print("down")})

LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.01, maximumDistance: 100).onEnded({_ in print("down")})

I want to detect a touchDown event as soon as a finger makes contact with a view. Apple's default gestures have restrictions to either distance or time.

Update: This is not an issue anymore as Apple has seemed to update how DragGesture works or maybe I was experiencing a specific contextual bug.

None of the above worked perfectly, like the `DragGesture` made it impossible for the table to scroll

after long searching i found this holy grail!

Note: it is public available public, but the _ prefix means it may not be suited for production

but still works great

._onButtonGesture(pressing: { pressing in

}, perform: {


All you need is this:

LongPressGesture().onChanged {_ in print("down") }


Here's a demonstration app:

[![App Demo][1]][1]

And here's the code for it:

struct ContentView: View {
@State var isRed = false

var body: some View {
.fill(isRed ? :
.frame(width: 150, height: 150)
.gesture(LongPressGesture().onChanged { _ in self.isRed.toggle()})


I already answered this [here][1], but worth posting on this more popular question too.


You can use a hidden `_onButtonGesture` method on `View`, which is public. It doesn't even need to be attached to the `Button`, but it looks better since you see that pressing down effect.


struct ContentView: View {
@State private var counter = 0
@State private var pressing = false

var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 30) {
Text("Count: \(counter)")

Button("Increment") {
counter += 1
._onButtonGesture { pressing in
self.pressing = pressing
} perform: {}

Text("Pressing button: \(pressing ? "yes" : "no")")



_Doesn't look great as a GIF due to the frame rate, but whenever you press down `pressing` goes to `true`, then `false` on release._


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This is a **watchOS-specific answer**, because the stuff that's inside the definition of `isTouchedDown` gets called multiple times in a weird way on iOS. There are better solutions for iOS if you want to run actions when your view is touched up/down, such as [my other answer][1].


Note: The `isTouchedDown` definition will still fire a couple of times when the container screen appears. A hacky solution to prevent that is the boolean `shouldCallIsTouchedDownCode` that turns false after 0.3 seconds in the `onAppear`.

@GestureState var longPressGestureState = false

@State var shouldCallIsTouchedDownCode = false

var isTouchedDown: Bool {
guard shouldCallIsTouchedDownCode else {

// use this place to call functions when the value changes

return longPressGestureState

var body: View {
Color(isTouchedDown ? .red : .black)
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: .infinity, maximumDistance: .infinity)
.updating($longPressGestureState) { value, state, _ in
state = value
.onAppear {
shouldCallIsTouchedDownCode = false

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.3) {
shouldCallIsTouchedDownCode = true


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For iOS, here's a solution that detects all gesture states. Using code from [Joe's answer under this question][1].

import SwiftUI
import UIKit

struct TouchDownView: UIViewRepresentable {
typealias TouchDownCallback = ((_ state: UIGestureRecognizer.State) -> Void)

var callback: TouchDownCallback

func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<TouchDownView>) -> TouchDownView.UIViewType {
let view = UIView(frame: .zero)

let gesture = UILongPressGestureRecognizer(
target: context.coordinator,
action: #selector(Coordinator.gestureRecognized)

gesture.minimumPressDuration = 0

return view

class Coordinator: NSObject {
var callback: TouchDownCallback

init(callback: @escaping TouchDownCallback) {
self.callback = callback

@objc fileprivate func gestureRecognized(gesture: UILongPressGestureRecognizer) {

func makeCoordinator() -> TouchDownView.Coordinator {
return Coordinator(callback: callback)

func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView,
context: UIViewRepresentableContext<TouchDownView>) {

# Usage

TouchDownView { state in
switch state {
case .began: print("gesture began")
case .ended: print("gesture ended")
case .cancelled, .failed: print("gesture cancelled/failed")
default: break


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You can create a view modifier this way:

extension View {
func onTouchDownGesture(callback: @escaping () -> Void) -> some View {
modifier(OnTouchDownGestureModifier(callback: callback))

private struct OnTouchDownGestureModifier: ViewModifier {
@State private var tapped = false
let callback: () -> Void

func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.simultaneousGesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.onChanged { _ in
if !self.tapped {
self.tapped = true
.onEnded { _ in
self.tapped = false

Now you can use it like:

struct MyView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello World")
.onTouchDownGesture {
print("View did tap!")

This is a solution to detect changes between states and also the coordinates of the touch (within the `Text View` in this case):

I added an enum to manage the states (using began, moved and ended for those **UIKit**-nostalgic)

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
@State var touchPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)
@State var touchState = TouchState.none
var body: some View {
Text("\( \(Int(self.touchPoint.x)), \(Int(self.touchPoint.y))")
DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.onChanged({ (touch) in
self.touchState = (self.touchState == .none || self.touchState == .ended) ? .began : .moved
self.touchPoint = touch.location
.onEnded({ (touch) in
self.touchPoint = touch.location
self.touchState = .ended
enum TouchState {
case none, began, moved, ended
var name: String {
return "\(self)"


You can use the `.updating` modifier like this:

struct TapTestView: View {

@GestureState private var isTapped = false

var body: some View {

let tap = DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
.updating($isTapped) { (_, isTapped, _) in
isTapped = true

return Text("Tap me!")
.foregroundColor(isTapped ? .red: .black)

Some notes:

* The zero minimum distance makes sure the gesture is immediately recognised
* The `@GestureState` property wrapper automatically resets its value to the original value when the gesture ends. This way you only have to worry about setting `isTapped` to `true`. It will automatically be `false` again when the interaction ends.
* The `updating` modifier has this weird closure with three parameters. In this case we are only interested in the middle one. It's an `inout` parameter to the wrapped value of the `GestureState`, so we can set it here. The first parameter has the current value of the gesture; the third one is a `Transaction` containing some animation context.

If you combine the code from these two questions:

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You can make something like this:
ZStack {
TapView {

struct TapView: UIViewRepresentable {
var tappedCallback: (() -> Void)

func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<TapView>) -> TapView.UIViewType {
let v = UIView(frame: .zero)
let gesture = SingleTouchDownGestureRecognizer(target: context.coordinator,
action: #selector(Coordinator.tapped))
return v

class Coordinator: NSObject {
var tappedCallback: (() -> Void)

init(tappedCallback: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
self.tappedCallback = tappedCallback

@objc func tapped(gesture:UITapGestureRecognizer) {

func makeCoordinator() -> TapView.Coordinator {
return Coordinator(tappedCallback:self.tappedCallback)

func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIView,
context: UIViewRepresentableContext<TapView>) {

class SingleTouchDownGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer {
override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
if self.state == .possible {
self.state = .recognized
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
self.state = .failed
override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent) {
self.state = .failed

There's definitely some abstractions we can make so that the usage is more like the other SwiftUI Gestures, but this is a start. Hopefully Apple builds in support for this at some point.

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