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Return current web path in PHP - Printable Version

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Return current web path in PHP - gillies78 - 07-20-2023

Currently developing a PHP framework and have ran into my first problem. I need to be able to drop the framework into any folder on a server, no matter how many folders deep, and need to find that directory to use as a base URL.

For example, it currently works if I put the framework in the root of the server (

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), but if I were to put it in

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it does not work.

RE: Return current web path in PHP - Mronondaga663 - 07-20-2023

To get the current path of the file you must use:


This will return you if in windows for example `C:\blah\blah\blah` with no file name.

RE: Return current web path in PHP - exsanguinated298609 - 07-20-2023

Theres a bunch of useful stuff available for things like this in the `$_SERVER` array. Do a `var_dump($_SERVER);` to see which element(s) of the array you need.

RE: Return current web path in PHP - benzoic182 - 07-20-2023

Sounds like you are looking for the relative path.


should do the trick. The php.net site has good documentation on what is available to that

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Also, if you are ever curious about what else is there, and what the values are

<?php print_r($_SERVER); ?>

will tell you more that you thought you could know.

RE: Return current web path in PHP - ramayana243 - 07-20-2023


RE: Return current web path in PHP - visualises217572 - 07-20-2023

In order to make urls work check the [base tag](

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<base href="http://cms.dev/folder/" />

If the PHP file paths are the issue go with Pestilance's advice:

dirname(__FILE__) // returns the directory of current file

RE: Return current web path in PHP - marginalia282962 - 07-20-2023

`__FILE__` is a magic constant that returns the entire path of the current script. Combine with [dirname][1] and add ".." appropriately. It's more reliable than `getcwd`, since it cannot change during execution.

You can then strip off the web root, to get the relative path to your script (should map to URL). There are many `$_SERVER` variables that have this information. I suggest using the file system to determine:

1. If your script is publicly accessible?
2. At which depth / URL prefix?

Then combine with your base URL. If your script's path ==
... and your $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ==

Then you can rewrite your URL as `/foo_1/script.php`. You don't need the fully qualified URL, unless you want it. This technique works best if you execute it from a central location, like an autoloader.


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RE: Return current web path in PHP - lyonetiidae652704 - 07-20-2023

There are four existing answers, but they all seem to deal with file paths, and you're asking about a base URL for web requests.

Given any web request, you get a bunch of keys in `$_SERVER` that may be helpful. For example, in your mock example, you might have the following:


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— `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == /folder/`

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— `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == /folder/index.php`

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— `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == /folder/index.php/some/pathinfo`

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— `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == /folder/some/modrewrite`

Thinking critically, how would you pull out the base URL for any given subrequest? In certain cases you can look at `$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']` and strip off trailing elements if you know how deep in your hierarchy the request is. (For example, if your script is two folders deep, strip off the last two path elements.) When `PATH_INFO` or `mod_rewrite` are in use, things become less clear: as longer and longer URLs are provided, there is no clear indication where the paths end and the dynamic URL begins.

This is why WordPress, MediaWiki, phpBB, phpMyAdmin, and every application I've ever written has the user manually specify a base URL as part of the application configuration.

RE: Return current web path in PHP - slumbers429846 - 07-20-2023

function GetCurrentWebDir() {
$CurrentPath = substr(
strlen($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']) - strlen(
strrchr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'], "\\")

$CurrentFileName = basename(__FILE__);

return substr_replace(
$CurrentPath, '', -strlen($CurrentFileName),

echo 'current dir:'.GetCurrentWebDir();`

current dir:/apps/PHP/

RE: Return current web path in PHP - jubilancytpqxfv - 07-20-2023

Use [`dirname(__PATH__)`][1] to fetch the parent directory path.


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