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[GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - uncurable896587 - 02-09-2014

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"Start and Prosper in Your Own Mail Order Business"

Discover the offline success secrets you can immediately apply to your Internet marketing!

Dear Friend,
Today I’m living the life which as a young man seemed an impossible dream.
First, I’m as free as a human being can be in today's world.
I do exactly what I want to do with every single moment of my time. Time freedom is the ultimate freedom!
I could have quit working years ago, having put away more money than I could ever spend. But I don't believe in retirement. I tried it once for three months. Boring!
Why do I keep working? It’s far more interesting for me to remain active. It’s fun to be involved with interesting products, companies and people. And I get great satisfaction helping worthy entrepreneurs around the world (I consider entrepreneurs today’s undiscovered heroes).

Today I have interests in several companies in the U.S. and Europe. I am also a consultant to seven companies and serve on the board of directors of a handful of them.

I love to travel, which I do for at least three months a year. It's great to see the most interesting and exciting places the world has to offer.

My “working day,”if you can call it that, is no more than five hours a day. I own three homes. I drive two luxury cars, including a Mercedes convertible. I possess an art collection that experts say is so valuable it’s priceless. I also have a collection of precious watches, including a Rolex and Patek Philippe.
I own all my assets outright. They were bought for cash, free and clear of any debt.
When not traveling, I divide most of my time among the places I enjoy most - the U.S., Switzerland, Cyprus and Marbella.
After a certain point, simply stacking up piles of more money doesn't mean much. Moneymaking becomes more like a fascinating game. A way to keep score. Plus, continued earnings provide a continual flow of money to distribute to my favorite charities.
Proven ideas and strategies can earn you a fortune For example, just providing a few key marketing ideas each month to my clients pays me more than $500,000 a year.
When I factor in income from my companies as well as passive income, without touching investments at all my annual income runs well into the seven figures.
I tell you these things not to brag. Honestly, I don’t need to impress anybody. Frankly, my goal is simple. To whet your appetite about the kind of income and lifestyle you, too, can have.

But, it wasn’t always this way.
A brief history As long as I can remember I wanted to have my own business. However, I soon discovered a great truth. The books I read, people I talked to - everywhere I turned I was being exposed to what everyone else experiences. I was being taught how to be an employee.
Upon entering university I kept on asking my professors how I could best learn the skills necessary to become a successful employer- an entrepreneur. They all said you have to get real-world experience. But they never said how.
I honestly didn’t know what to do. But I knew school wasn’t the answer. So I dropped out. And wanted to start my own small business. I began learning in the only way I knew. Trial and error.
At age 21, beginning with $800 in savings and $96,000 in debts (and lots of prayers), I started my first company. Fortunately this business, a roadside candy shop, was immediately successful. I called it Peterson’s House of Fudge. In six years I built it into a chain of 30 shops in the eastern U.S. with headquarters in Delaware.
But I saw how it was tough to operate a manufacturing and retail business. Plus, deep down I knew this wasn’t what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
My secret passion was to search for the ideal business. But for years it seemed to be so elusive. Often I questioned whether any business was ideal. But if there were such a thing, I’d find it. I don’t know exactly why, but something inside kept me going. And I persevered.
By the time I was 29 I had already started 18 small companies of my own. Sixteen were successful.
I experienced the ins and outs of a variety of businesses. They included ice cream, confectionery, restaurants, real estate, building design, franchising and cosmetics.

But still no business came even remotely close to being ideal.
To the outside world I was a big success. My accountants even told me I was a millionaire "on paper.” But I didn’t feel very rich.
Then in a series of unforeseen events, including employee embezzlement, I experienced disaster. In an amazingly short time, I lost all my businesses. And every single penny of the money I had saved.
By this point in time I had major obligations and expenses. A family, a wife and four children, for whom I was sole support.
The only remaining asset I had left was $5,000 in cash value within a life insurance policy, which I borrowed. I had written a book in my spare time called HOW TO FORM YOUR OWN CORPORATION WITHOUT A LAWYER FOR UNDER $75. Nine publishers rejected it. So I started a new business selling the book. I ran a $90 classified ad in the Wall Street Journal. Then I ran larger and larger ads. They worked too. And the money started pouring in.
Much to my amazement, I had stumbled onto no less than the world’s most ideal business.
In a moment I’ll reveal how you can profit from my discovery. But first, let's look at what constitutes the ideal business.
7 Qualities of The Ideal Business [INDENT] [INDENT] 1. High profit margins - Most businesses earn a paltry profit of less than 5% on their sales. Why settle for this when you can earn as much as 95% profit on sales?

2. Portable - Not tied to any geographic area. You can operate from anywhere in the world and sell in any country you choose

3. Low overhead - No need for an office. Or a single employee (employees can be a real pain). You can start part time. You can operate from home, a boat, or luxury motor home if this is your style

4. Little capital required - It’s an all cash-up-front business. You can start very small and increase your business as cash flow permits

5. Little or no inventory is required

6. Products and services can be personal to you - You may choose to market only items in which you have a great interest and passion

7. Relatively free of government interference and control - Operate in a hassle-free environment
[/INDENT] [/INDENT] The only business I’ve ever found that meets all these 7 qualities is the mail order business.
I challenge you to find any other business anywhere that has all 7 qualities. I’d be very surprised if you could.
I reveal step by step exactly how you, too, can start and prosper in your own mail order business in my book, THE GOLDEN MAILBOX.

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Here are a few of the highlights from the e-book:
  • How to start with little or no money. Remember, I began with a $90 one-inch classified ad. I’ll show you the ad and reveal exactly why it worked
  • Why it is easier and far more profitable to run a scrupulously honest and fair business than one “on the edge,” especially in mail order, which has a slightly tarnished reputation
  • Why all other ventures are a complete nightmare in comparison to mail order
  • Success in direct marketing/mail order is not a hit or miss affair. It's simply doing the right things in the correct order
  • Work for yourself. Compared to any typical job, making money in mail order is a gift. You are not working to make someone else rich. All that you make, you keep
  • How you can easily earn 20 times your current income for no more work than you do right now
  • Here is a well-kept secret. Making money in most other businesses is as bad as working for somebody else
  • How a direct mail/mail order operation can be started in your spare time with just one person: you
  • Avoid employees completely. As previously stated, having a staff, even with talents of some very good people, is a pain in the neck (with apologies to all my past employees). Run your operation with just a laptop computer
  • Avoid having an office completely. This not only helps keep your expenses low. Your company is much more mobile. Imagine-you can fatten your bank account while relaxing at the beach, sunbathing next to your pool, or on the golf course
  • Avoid face-to-face customer contact involved with nearly all other businesses. Dealing face to face with people you don’t know well can be a real pain
  • Be comfortable. If you like, you can sit around in your underwear or a robe while you answer the phone and your customers will be none the wiser
  • The secret to keeping customer complaints to a bare minimum
  • How to make your business profitable, even if you completely lack any expertise
  • How to coordinate your company so that it can run on “auto-pilot”
  • How to keep yourself free to travel the world. The secret is effectively using a telephone line, post office drop off point and preferably a computer
  • How to arrange with a fulfillment house to take your orders, bank your money and ship your products. All you have to do is pick up the money when they transfer it to you!
Mail order businesses are booming!
  • Mail order businesses are where the action is today because people are busier than ever and prefer to shop at home
  • Many consumers genuinely love buying by mail. There is something magical receiving a package by mail-It’s like Christmas year round!
  • The trend toward mail order buying is on the increase. People begrudge fighting their way into packed stores, then waiting in line to pay. After working all week, people’s leisure time is precious to them
  • Discover the secret of having fun while you write copy that pulls in orders like crazy
  • How to overcome resistance to a sales letter
  • How to improve your copywriting skills
  • How to choose mailing lists that produce maximum profits
  • How to test market your product and risk very little money
  • How and where to find hot products to market
  • 20 proven secrets of an endless number of ways to generate profit-making ideas
  • How to negotiate exclusive rights for products you wish to market
  • Which product categories are hot right now and will never go out of favor
  • How to find saleable "paper and ink” products with profit margins as high as 95%! Consumers gladly pay your price for content, valuable information. Your job is to provide real value
  • How to price your product for maximum sales and profit
  • How to write headlines that make sales soar. A single word can increase sales by as much as 20 times!
  • The 27 most powerful headline words in the English language to use when preparing copy
  • Inside secrets of great copywriters
  • How to provide a P.S. on your sales letters that can double sales
  • 19 secrets to an effective order form, the most important single element among your direct marketing weapons

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[b] What people say about Ted Nicholas:
“Let’s face it. Most copy on the Internet is ineffective. It just doesn't work. [b] Ted reveals the secrets of great copy in THE GOLDEN MAILBOX which can lead you to a fortune on the Internet. His tips have been invaluable to my company.”
- Mark Joyner
CEO, Aesop.com
“Ted was introduced to me as one of the world's great copywriting and marketing talents. I have found him to live up to and exceed my expectations.”
- Dave Gibson, MD
Fleet Street Publications
Your ideas will be worth a minimum of $50,000 to me! I'm rejuvenated, educated, and I thank you.”
- James A. Fleck
Chicago, Illinois
“Your information has made me several hundred thousand dollars in the last two years.”
- Jerry Minchey
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
“In 5 years, I went from a kitchen-table operation selling tapes to having sales in ex­cess of $1 million a month each month. We should finish this year between $20 and $25 million in sales. Last year, we made the Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing U.S. corporations. Thanks for your part in educating me to be able to accomplish this.”
- John Cummuta
Boscobel, Wisconsin
“It is said that one learns more from mistakes than from successes. Your willingness to share your failures as well as your achievements has steered me away from repeating these errors.”
- John Pugsley
British Virgin Islands
Ted Nicholas is a master wordsmith. He has sold over $500 million worth of products by direct response. He has built and sold companies for fortunes. He has created winning ads and direct marketing campaigns for others."
- Dan Kennedy
Phoenix, Arizona
“There’s probably no human alive who knows more about how to make magazine advertising pay off. For the record, Ted Nicholas has my absolute highest recommendation!”
- Gary Halbert
Key West, Florida
“Any business person can gain valuable, valuable insights about their business. The direct marketing concepts you teach here will really help anyone interested in growing their company.”
- Diane Everson
Edgerton, Wisconsin
“You have removed the veil of confusion about direct marketing, one of the greatest ways for 'the little guy' to literally beat the system. Yes!”
- Jerry Allen Potter
Pacific Grove, California
“Ted gives more than value. He delivers quality and astonishes with excellence!
- Dr. Garry Bundy
Bay City, Michigan
I feel much more confident I can write copy that will sell my Italy travel products now.”

- Margaret Cowan
Vancouver, British Columbia

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Great Direct Marketing Secrets Revealed! At Last, you can learn all my secrets of direct-marketing that actually pulls in profitable orders.
You have everything to gain by getting the ebook. Don’t let another minute go by without the benefit of: "The Golden Mailbox" e-book.
Thank you for taking the time to learn the benefits of this great e-book.
May you grow and prosper in your own mail order business!
Kind Regards,
[Image: tn_sig.gif] Ted Nicholas
President, Nicholas Direct, Inc.
P.S. A fantastic e-book that teaches you how to start and prosper in your own direct mail order business. Plus! It is 100% guaranteed or your money back, no questions asked.
So what are you waiting for? Order your copy now!!

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Nicholas Direct, Inc.
P.O. Box 877
Indian Rocks Beach, FL 33785

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RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - Sirprajna0 - 02-09-2014

Please check this other product of Ted Nicholas:

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RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - intrust966 - 02-09-2014

Awesome share
+ rep add
correct sales page
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RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - lustring847 - 02-09-2014

mirror :

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RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - defluxion232 - 02-09-2014

nice share + rep

RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - whir565081 - 02-11-2014

links are dead,can someone reupload.

RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - blinker355 - 02-11-2014

+Rep added - Thank you VERY much for your share!

RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - kumarfjiec - 02-11-2014

Fresh Mirror

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RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - roveurhuqpsydw - 02-11-2014

Page won't load, can someone re up?

RE: [GET] The Golden Mailbox - HOW TO GET RICH DIRECT MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT - mcspadden169 - 09-11-2015

All links down, can we get a re-up?