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rails - Paperclip file name - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: rails - Paperclip file name (/Thread-rails-Paperclip-file-name)

rails - Paperclip file name - machiavellianly659295 - 07-19-2023

using rails with Paperclip, I can use the following to get the filename during a before_create:

extension = File.extname(photo_file_name).downcase

How do I get JUST the file name.. Right now I have photo_file_name which provides the entire file, titlename.pdf

i need just titlename without the .pdf


**Updating with code:**


before_create :obfuscate_file_name

#Paperclip for photo
has_attached_file :photo,


def obfuscate_file_name
extension = File.extname(photo_file_name).downcase
fileNameOnly = File.basename(photo_file_name).downcase
self.photo.instance_write(:file_name, "#{fileNameOnly}_#{ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(32)}#{extension}")

RE: rails - Paperclip file name - convict194239 - 07-19-2023

Another option is set to default, work for all upload.

This example change name file to 'name default' for web, example: `test áé.jpg` to `test_ae_www.foo.com.jpg`


def sanitize_filename(filename)
fn = filename.split /(?<=.)\.(?=[^.])(?!.*\.[^.])/m
fn[0] = fn[0].parameterize
return fn.join '.'

Create **config/initializers/paperclip_defaults.rb**

include ApplicationHelper

:path => ":rails_root/public/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",
:url => "/system/:class/:attachment/:id/:style/:parameterize_file_name",

Paperclip.interpolates :parameterize_file_name do |attachment, style|

Need restart, after put this code

I hope it help! ;)

RE: rails - Paperclip file name - vermis71 - 07-19-2023

=> 'test.jpg'

RE: rails - Paperclip file name - extraversion563382 - 07-19-2023

Paperclip attachment has the 'original_filename' method for this.

RE: rails - Paperclip file name - bichromenrmz - 07-19-2023

Use [`File.basename`][1] with the optional `suffix` argument like this:

file_name = File.basename(photo_file_name, File.extname(photo_file_name));

Works on my machine:

![alt text][2]


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