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Ternary operator is twice as slow as an if-else block?

I read everywhere that ternary operator is supposed to be faster than, or at least the same as, its equivalent `if`-`else` block.

However, I did the following test and found out it's not the case:

Random r = new Random();
int[] array = new int[20000000];
for(int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array[i] = r.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);

long value = 0;
DateTime begin = DateTime.UtcNow;

foreach (int i in array)
if (i > 0)
value += 2;
value += 3;
// if-else block above takes on average 85 ms

// OR I can use a ternary operator:
// value += i > 0 ? 2 : 3; // takes 157 ms
DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow;
MessageBox.Show("Measured time: " + (end-begin).TotalMilliseconds + " ms.\r\nResult = " + value.ToString());

My computer took 85 ms to run the code above. But if I comment out the `if`-`else` chunk, and uncomment the ternary operator line, it will take about 157 ms.

Why is this happening?

Run without debugging ctrl+F5 it seems the debugger slows down both ifs and ternary significantly but it seems it slows down the ternary operator much more.

When I run the following code here are my results. I think the small millisecond difference is caused by the compiler optimizing the max=max and removing it but is probably not making that optimization for the ternary operator. If someone could check the assembly and confirm this it would be awesome.

--Run #1--
Type | Milliseconds
Ternary 706
If 704
%: .9972
--Run #2--
Type | Milliseconds
Ternary 707
If 704
%: .9958
--Run #3--
Type | Milliseconds
Ternary 706
If 704
%: .9972


for (int t = 1; t != 10; t++)
var s = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
var r = new Random(123456789); //r
int[] randomSet = new int[1000]; //a
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) //n
randomSet[i] = r.Next(); //dom
long _ternary = 0; //store
long _if = 0; //time
int max = 0; //result
for (int q = 0; q < 1000000; q++)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
max = max > randomSet[i] ? max : randomSet[i];
_ternary = s.ElapsedMilliseconds;
max = 0;
s = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
for (int q = 0; q < 1000000; q++)
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if (max > randomSet[i])
max = max; // I think the compiler may remove this but not for the ternary causing the speed difference.
max = randomSet[i];

_if = s.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Console.WriteLine("--Run #" + t+"--");
Console.WriteLine("Type | Milliseconds\nTernary {0}\nIf {1}\n%: {2}", _ternary, _if,((decimal)_if/(decimal)_ternary).ToString("#.####"));


EDIT: All change... see below.

I can't reproduce your results on the x64 CLR, but I *can* on x86. On x64 I can see a *small* difference (less than 10%) between the conditional operator and the if/else, but it's much smaller than you're seeing.

I've made the following potential changes:

- Run in a console app
- Build with `/o+ /debug-`, and run outside the debugger
- Run both pieces of code once to JIT them, then lots of times for more accuracy
- Use `Stopwatch`

Results with `/platform:x64` (without the "ignore" lines):

if/else with 1 iterations: 17ms
conditional with 1 iterations: 19ms
if/else with 1000 iterations: 17875ms
conditional with 1000 iterations: 19089ms

Results with `/platform:x86` (without the "ignore" lines):

if/else with 1 iterations: 18ms
conditional with 1 iterations: 49ms
if/else with 1000 iterations: 17901ms
conditional with 1000 iterations: 47710ms

My system details:

- x64 i7-2720QM CPU @2.20GHz
- 64-bit Windows 8
- .NET 4.5

So unlike before, I think you *are* seeing a real difference - and it's all to do with the x86 JIT. I wouldn't like to say exactly *what* is causing the difference - I may update the post later on with more details if I can bother to go into cordbg :)

Interestingly, without sorting the array first, I end up with tests which take about 4.5x as long, at least on x64. My guess is that this is to do with branch prediction.


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

class Test
static void Main()
Random r = new Random(0);
int[] array = new int[20000000];
for(int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array[i] = r.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
// JIT everything...
RunIfElse(array, 1);
RunConditional(array, 1);
// Now really time it
RunIfElse(array, 1000);
RunConditional(array, 1000);

static void RunIfElse(int[] array, int iterations)
long value = 0;
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

for (int x = 0; x < iterations; x++)
foreach (int i in array)
if (i > 0)
value += 2;
value += 3;
Console.WriteLine("if/else with {0} iterations: {1}ms",
// Just to avoid optimizing everything away
Console.WriteLine("Value (ignore): {0}", value);

static void RunConditional(int[] array, int iterations)
long value = 0;
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

for (int x = 0; x < iterations; x++)
foreach (int i in array)
value += i > 0 ? 2 : 3;
Console.WriteLine("conditional with {0} iterations: {1}ms",
// Just to avoid optimizing everything away
Console.WriteLine("Value (ignore): {0}", value);

I did what Jon Skeet did and ran through 1 iteration and 1,000 iterations and got a different result from both OP and Jon. In mine, the ternary is just slightly faster. Below is the exact code:

static void runIfElse(int[] array, int iterations)
long value = 0;
Stopwatch ifElse = new Stopwatch();
for (int c = 0; c < iterations; c++)
foreach (int i in array)
if (i > 0)
value += 2;
value += 3;
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Elapsed time for If-Else: {0}", ifElse.Elapsed));

static void runTernary(int[] array, int iterations)
long value = 0;
Stopwatch ternary = new Stopwatch();
for (int c = 0; c < iterations; c++)
foreach (int i in array)
value += i > 0 ? 2 : 3;

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Elapsed time for Ternary: {0}", ternary.Elapsed));

static void Main(string[] args)
Random r = new Random();
int[] array = new int[20000000];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
array[i] = r.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);

long value = 0;

runIfElse(array, 1);
runTernary(array, 1);
runIfElse(array, 1000);
runTernary(array, 1000);


The output from my program:
>Elapsed time for If-Else: 00:00:00.0140543
>Elapsed time for Ternary: 00:00:00.0136723
>Elapsed time for If-Else: 00:00:14.0167870
>Elapsed time for Ternary: 00:00:13.9418520

Another run in milliseconds:

>Elapsed time for If-Else: 20
>Elapsed time for Ternary: 19
>Elapsed time for If-Else: 13854
>Elapsed time for Ternary: 13610

This is running in 64-bit XP, and I ran without debugging.

**Edit - Running in x86:**

There's a big difference using x86. This was done without debugging on and on the same xp 64-bit machine as before, but built for x86 CPUs. This looks more like OP's.

>Elapsed time for If-Else: 18
>Elapsed time for Ternary: 35
>Elapsed time for If-Else: 20512
>Elapsed time for Ternary: 32673

The assembler code generated will tell the story:

a = (b > c) ? 1 : 0;


mov edx, DWORD PTR a[rip]
mov eax, DWORD PTR b[rip]
cmp edx, eax
setg al


if (a > b) printf("a");
else printf("b");


mov edx, DWORD PTR a[rip]
mov eax, DWORD PTR b[rip]
cmp edx, eax
jle .L4
;printf a
jmp .L5
;printf b

So the ternary _can_ be shorter and faster simply due to using fewer instructions and no jumps _if_ you are looking for true/false. If you use values other than 1 and 0, you will get the same code as an if/else, for example:

a = (b > c) ? 2 : 3;


mov edx, DWORD PTR b[rip]
mov eax, DWORD PTR c[rip]
cmp edx, eax
jle .L6
mov eax, 2
jmp .L7
mov eax, 3

Which is the same as the if/else.

Looking at the IL generated, there are 16 less operations in that than in the if/else statement (copying and pasting @JonSkeet's code). However, that doesn't mean it should be a quicker process!

To summarise the differences in IL, the if/else method translates to pretty much the same as the C# code reads (performing the addition within the branch) whereas the conditional code loads either 2 or 3 onto the stack (depending on the value) and then adds it to value outside of the conditional.

The other difference is the branching instruction used. The if/else method uses a brtrue (branch if true) to jump over the first condition, and an unconditional branch to jump from the first out of the if statement. The conditional code uses a bgt (branch if greater than) instead of a brtrue, which could possibly be a slower comparison.

Also (having just read about branch prediction) there may be a performance penalty for the branch being smaller. The conditional branch only has 1 instruction within the branch but the if/else has 7. This would also explain why there's a difference between using long and int, because changing to an int reduces the number of instructions in the if/else branches by 1 (making the read-ahead less)

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