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Parsing huge logfiles in Node.js - read in line-by-line

**Reading / Writing files** using stream with the native nodejs modules (**fs, readline**):

const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');

const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream('input.json'),
output: fs.createWriteStream('output.json')

rl.on('line', function(line) {

// Do any 'line' processing if you want and then write to the output file

rl.on('close', function() {
console.log(`Created "${this.output.path}"`);

You can use the inbuilt `readline` package, see docs [here][1]. I use [stream][2] to create a new output stream.

var fs = require('fs'),
readline = require('readline'),
stream = require('stream');

var instream = fs.createReadStream('/path/to/file');
var outstream = new stream;
outstream.readable = true;
outstream.writable = true;

var rl = readline.createInterface({
input: instream,
output: outstream,
terminal: false

rl.on('line', function(line) {
//Do your stuff ...
//Then write to output stream

Large files will take some time to process. Do tell if it works.


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The Node.js Documentation offers a very elegant example using the Readline module.

[Example: Read File Stream Line-by-Line][1]

<!-- language: lang-js -->

const { once } = require('node:events');
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');

const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream('sample.txt'),
crlfDelay: Infinity

rl.on('line', (line) => {
console.log(`Line from file: ${line}`);

await once(rl, 'close');

> Note: we use the crlfDelay option to recognize all instances of CR LF ('\r\n') as a single line break.


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Inspired by @gerard 's answer, and I want to provide a controlled way of reading chunk by chunk.

I have an electron app, which read multiple large log files chunk by chunk on user's request, the next chunk will only be requested when user asking for it.

Here is my LogReader class

// A singleton class, used to read log chunk by chunk
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { logDirPath } from './mainConfig';
import * as path from 'path';

type ICallback = (data: string) => Promise<void> | void;

export default class LogReader {
filenames: string[];
readstreams: fs.ReadStream[];
chunkSize: number;
lineNumber: number;
data: string;

static instance: LogReader;

private constructor(chunkSize = 10240) {
this.chunkSize = chunkSize || 10240; // default to 10kB per chunk
this.filenames = [];
// collect all log files and sort from latest to oldest
fs.readdirSync(logDirPath).forEach((file) => {
if (file.endsWith('.log')) {
this.filenames.push(path.join(logDirPath, file));

this.filenames = this.filenames.sort().reverse();
this.lineNumber = 0;

static getInstance() {
if (!this.instance) {
this.instance = new LogReader();

return this.instance;

// read a chunk from a log file
read(fileIndex: number, chunkIndex: number, cb: ICallback) {
// file index out of range, return "end of all files"
if (fileIndex >= this.filenames.length) {

const chunkSize = this.chunkSize;
fs.createReadStream(this.filenames[fileIndex], {
highWaterMark: chunkSize, // 1kb per read
start: chunkIndex * chunkSize, // start byte of this chunk
end: (chunkIndex + 1) * chunkSize - 1, // end byte of this chunk (end index was included, so minus 1)
.on('data', (data) => {
.on('error', (e) => {
console.error('Error while reading file.');
.on('end', () => {
console.log('Read entire chunk.');

Then to read chunk by chunk, the main process just need to call:

const readLogChunk = (fileIndex: number, chunkIndex: number): Promise<string> => {
console.log(`=== load log chunk ${fileIndex}: ${chunkIndex}====`);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
LogReader.getInstance().read(fileIndex, chunkIndex, (data) => resolve(data));

Keep increment chunkIndex to read chunk by chunk

When `EOF` is returned, means one file finished, just increment the fileIndex,

When `EOAF` is returned, means all files are read, just stop.


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