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Maximizing SEO Campaigns for Your SENuke

Hello guys! It's me again, ExtremeSanity and I just had my VIP title past few days ago and I believe that no problem is worth solving twice, so let me share to you how to solve our first problem when using SENukeXCR. Of course, this program is not updated regularly for nothing. I heard lots of people saying that SENukeXCR is no longer effective, remember SENuke is just a tool and only as good as the information you feed it. In SEO, you should not be following what SEO Icons (Matt Cutts, Rand Fishkin, and etc), are saying about you won't rank using this and that. Well, I admit that you won't rank with SENuke through our old, spammy practices just like before.

The only difference is that Google won't index your spammy backlinks like before. Some people say that Google won't credit your backlinks if it's not indexed and they meant not being around SERP. In the contrary, Google can index a link without showing it on their SERP by putting it in their Sandbox. However, if you will just take a look at your links in webmaster tools, you will find many links that Google found pointing to your website and most of them are not in SERPs. (Reactions or Comments are welcome)

Some things to Avoid when Using Nuke:

1. Blasting numbers of links to your website in a day.
2. Using the same anchor text over and over again.
3. Not manually checking Web 2.0 links (in some cases you will forget to uncheck w2 sites that contain porn content)

Some things we can DO:

1. Take time to CREATE good content (process includes: Writing Valuable Content, Ultra-Spinning Content) "Will tackle more about this later on this post"
2. Plan accordingly to algorithms. (means, diversify your links and anchor texts)
3. Build solid tier 1 Backlinks (70% main keyword, 20 LSI, and 5% Generic, 5% naked url)
4. Build links to your Tier 1.
5. Nuke your Tier 2.
6. Nuke your Nukes. (Sounds crazy but does have a result)

[size=20pt]How to create a good looking campaign for Nuke:[/size]

1. Create Good Titles

-Creating good titles is as hard as writing an article. Take time on setting up your Nuke Campaigns don't rush like a fool. Think of many titles as possible, the best is to prepare 50 titles relevant to your post. If you are going to prepare only 12 titles, every [size=20pt]12[/size]th [size=20pt]post is a duplicate. It's a good rule of thumb to write your own titles and not create it from a title generating software (if there's any).[/size]
[size=20pt]2. Good Content[/size]
[size=20pt]- Of course, you also need a good content. They are the ones that pass moderation and stick for a very long time. You don't need backlinks that die early. Make your T1s valuable and informative, you can compromise T2s and beyond but keep it in a quality that passes moderation. Remember that your site won't get credits from URLs with duplicate contents.[/size]
[size=20pt]How do I create a content that passes moderation?[/size]
There are many people who doubt if spinning will still work, still my answer is that it depends on how you spin your content.

Prepare a minimum of 900 words of a valuable article that has:
  • [size=20pt]1 intro paragraph (you will spin this later so you would have 2 intro paragraphs all in all)[/size][/*]
  • [size=20pt]3 info paragraphs (you will also spin this later so you have 6 info paragraphs all in all)[/size][/*]
  • [size=20pt]1 conclusion paragraphs (you will also spin this later)[/size]

If you spin your articles try generating:
  • [size=20pt]1x paragraph variation (meaning you will have one variation per paragraph)[/size][/*]
  • [size=20pt]5x sentence variation (produce 5 variations per sentence)[/size][/*]
  • [size=20pt]make sure that word spin is appropriate (matches with, articles an, a and etc.) so if you spin words {orange|guava} make sure it won't result to a orange or an guava. You get the point. make sure spinning is appropriate in a way that it won't screw up the grammar.[/size]

If you followed number 1, to have 1 paragraph variation each paragraph then you will be able to fill this up and paste in Nuke:

{Intro1|Intro1 Variation}
{Info1|Info1 Variation}
|Info2 Variation
|Info3 Variation
|} {Conclusion1|Conclusion2}

**remember to keep the article at minimum of 500 words even if you spin it many times.

Keep your quality, high when you do Nuke campaigns. Commonly there would be errors, like wrong formatting on post, so you will have to login to that social network/wiki/whatever and edit that page. Also keep in mind that you have to add images, spin your images.

How to spin images:

<img src="{image1.jpg|[size=20pt]image2.jpg|[/size][size=20pt]image3.jpg|[/size][size=20pt]image4.jpg}" width="{}" height="{}" size]

[size=20pt]spin the width and height but keep it in a dimension that is appropriate. also, load images that are relevant to your post and ad ALT texts.[/size]
[size=20pt]__________________***End of Topic***_______________________________[/size]
In some cases, sentence spinning gets more difficult if you are not using the right software to help you. Did you experience spinning articles and you will get lost in the process?

Based on my experience, TBS is a great tool for manual spinning, but it costs you money. However, you can still use it to do sentence spinning just use other spinning tool for word spin because cracked TBS won't do spin. I use SpinnerChief3 to do word spin and paste the spun sentence/word/phrase/paragraph to TBS.

Get the TBS that I am using to keep track of my sentence/paragraph/word spin. You can select sentence/paragraph to spin by highlighting the paragraph you want to edit or add synonyms to. Just explore and discover techniques to spin your articles. This is the best idea I came up with, for now.

Get TBS here:

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And for SpinnerChief3:
You can use this serial: 58d727b6-10fa-45b7-9016-d5106b192b5b

UPDATE: About manual spinning, just get kontent rewriter and you are good to go at manual spinning. :D

Thanks! I hope you guys enjoy. :) Sharing is fun.[/hide]

I'm having trouble with the formatting. :(

@rockzz: Thanks!

Nice tutorial my friend...

Perfect Thanks +Rep

@silaswik: thanks brother.

good article bro [Image: cool.gif] [Image: cool.gif] [Image: cool.gif] [Image: cool.gif] [Image: cool.gif] [Image: cool.gif] [Image: cool.gif] [Image: cool.gif]

@ ExtremeSanity, Thank you. Highly appreciated.

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