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How to generate a random string in Ruby

try this out

def rand_name(len=9)
ary = [('0'..'9').to_a, ('a'..'z').to_a, ('A'..'Z').to_a]
name = ''

len.times do
name << ary.choice.choice

I love the answers of the thread, have been very helpful, indeed!, but if I may say, none of them satisfies my ayes, maybe is the rand() method. it's just doesn't seems right to me, since we've got the Array#choice method for that matter.


Be aware: `rand` is predictable for an attacker and therefore probably insecure. You should definitely use SecureRandom if this is for generating passwords. I use something like this:

length = 10
characters = ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('a'..'z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a

password = SecureRandom.random_bytes(length) do |char|
characters[(char.ord % characters.length)]

Create an empty string or a pre-fix if require:

myStr = "OID-"

Use this code to populate the string with random numbers:

begin; n = ((rand * 43) + 47).ceil; myStr << n.chr if !(58..64).include?(n); end while(myStr.length < 12)


(rand * 43) + 47).ceil
It will generate random numbers from 48-91 (0,1,2..Y,Z)

It is used to skip special characters (as I am not interested to include them)

while(myStr.length < 12)
It will generate total 12 characters long string including prefix.

Sample Output:


Here's a solution that is flexible and allows dups:

class String
# generate a random string of length n using current string as the source of characters
def random(n)
return "" if n <= 0
(chars * (n / length + 1)).shuffle[0..n-1].join


"ATCG".random(8) => "CGTGAAGA"

You can also allow a certain character to appear more frequently:

"AAAAATCG".random(10) => "CTGAAAAAGC"

The method above takes the chars of a given string and generates a big enough array. It then shuffles it, takes the first n items, then joins them.

I can't remember where I found this, but it seems like the best and the least process intensive to me:

def random_string(length=10)
chars = 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'
password = ''
length.times { password << chars[rand(chars.size)] }

My favorite is `(:A..:Z).to_a.shuffle[0,8].join`. Note that shuffle requires Ruby > 1.9.

I just write a small gem `random_token` to generate random tokens for most use case, enjoy ~

[To see links please register here]


#28""){|r|r<<('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]} # 57
(1..8).inject(""){|r|r<<('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]} # 51
e="";8.times{e<<('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]};e # 45
(1..8).map{('0'..'z').to_a.shuffle[0]}.join # 43
(1..8).map{rand(49..122).chr}.join # 34


Others have mentioned something similar, but this uses the URL safe function.

require 'securerandom'
p SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(5) #=> "UtM7aa8"
p SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 #=> "UZLdOkzop70Ddx-IJR0ABg"
p SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, true) #=> "i0XQ-7gglIsHGV2_BNPrdQ=="

The result may contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “-” and “_”. “=” is also used if padding is true.

If you are on a UNIX and you still must use Ruby 1.8 (no SecureRandom) without Rails, you can also use this:

random_string = `openssl rand -base64 24`

Note this spawns new shell, this is very slow and it can only be recommended for scripts.

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